Yale Town

The sun remained with us these last few days so we decided to take a drive over to Yale Town which is over the bridge heading to downtown Vancouver.

Like many areas of Vancouver, Yale Town's early days were shaped by the arrival of the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1887. Yale Town acquired its name when the railway moved its construction equipment and repair shops from Yale in the Fraser Canyon to the railway's western terminus of Vancouver.

Although it sounds very industrial, Yale Town is a very urban,‘cool’ place to be.

We parked the car and went for a walk to see what we could see and apparently the original motivation for this particular destination was that our grandson,“O”, wanted us to check out one of his favourite sweet shops there called “Small Victory”.

There was so much colour in Yale Town from the many colourful fences and flags to the hanging umbrellas and colourful people. We saw a man that was very tall and thin who had an incredible strut. We assumed he was a model. Lots of dog walkers and restaurants galore!

We were ‘window shopping’ at one point and trying to figure out if this one set of stairs led to a mall of some sort.

Suddenly a man with a long, black coat, and flowing black hair unlocked the door and welcomed us to cross the threshold. Terry thought we might be entering ‘the Matrix’ as his outfit suggested and the fact that the products in there were so……different ….and we were the only shoppers there.

We soon realized that the products in this place were crazy expensive, exclusive, and we were not their optimal clientele…ha ha. Do you want to purchase a pair of shoes for $20,000? Uh, no. I asked “Neo” why he had to unlock the door for us and he looked at me like I was a bit unhinged and said calmly, “Because it’s downtown?”

We finished our tour with a spot in the sunshine we found with colourful picnic tables on which to play Tile Rummy. Nice!


The Bloedel Conservatory


Getting Control