The Bloedel Conservatory

What does one do on a rainy day in Vancouver? Why look for something fun to do INDOORS of course.

On this particular rainy day, we were asked to hang out with our youngest grandson, “R”, for a couple of hours so we decided to take him to the Bloedel Bird Conservatory. We have done this with all of the other five grandsons when they were two so we knew it was a good choice.

The circular Bloedel building is perfect for a little one. Many interesting things are at their height like pretty flowers, a bridge from which to look down and see the fish, and even mice scurrying here and there through the bird enclosures.

Our wee “R” had a lovely time while taking his time pointing out beautiful coloured flowers while saying thing like, ‘I love this pink one, Nonny. Do you?”

He was just so darned cute!

We’ve been there many times before, as I mentioned, but I find it irresistible to refrain from taking more photos of the beauty there.

I so enjoyed watching this little man discover things along the circular path and even though we made the loop a few times he seemed very captivated.

We loved being with our wee grandson and we all took time to ‘smell the flowers’.


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