Laura Bachynski March 2023

SpiritLine : Terry and Laura Bachynski

Spiritline, Tecumseh concert, Ontario

SpiritLine Concert in Windsor, Ontario

Terry and Pete Rehearse, Windsor, Ontario

Laura performs at The Groundswell, Cape Breton

SpiritLine ready to perform in St. Catherine's, Ontario

Laura and Terry, The Cabot Trail, Inverness

Laura performs, Tecumseh, Ontario

Showing off the merch, Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Meeting up with High School friends before the Belle River show, Ontario

SpiritLine, Carleton Place, Ontario

Laura in old Montreal, Quebec

Laura, Niagara on the Lake, Ontario

Terry performs at the Tilted Steeple, Morrisburg, Ontario

Calgary house concert, Terry performing

Laura ready to perform Fitch House concert, Calgary, Alberta

SpiritLine perform in Waterloo, Ontario

House concert crowd, Tecumseh, Ontario (Zangari home)

Terry about to perform in Regina, Madonna House

Newfoundland sunset

Edmonton CD Release Band

Terry's tour shoes

Laura C.D. Release Day! 2020

Terry performs at Wilser's, Fredericton

Terry ready to perform, Ottawa

Laura performs in Ottawa

Two tours meeting up...our daughter, Emily, performs in Fredericton with us

Laura performs in Baba's Lounge, P.E.I.

Terry performs in Baba's Lounge, P.E.I.

SpiritLine, Montreal, Quebec

Terry performs in St. Catherine's, Ontario

SpiritLine performs at Joe Black's, Winnipeg, Manitoba

New car magnet for SpiritLine, Newfoundland

Laura in Fredericton, New Brunswick

SpiritLine's first front porch concert, Edmonton, Alberta, 2020

SpiritLine concert Crowd, Edmonton, Alberta

Terry performs at Madonna House, Combermere, Ontario

Laura performs for Madonna House, Combermere, Ontario

SpiritLine perform in Paradise Hill, Saskatchewan

Sign at one of our care home concerts

Audience : Niagara on the Lake, Ontario

Fredericton Care Home audience

Mabou, Inverness, (Home of the Rankins)

Terry and Paula, C.D. Release Concert, 2020

Laura, sound check for Tilted Steeple Coffee House, Morrisburg, Ontario

Terry at the Tilted Steeple concert, Ontario

Morrisburg cemetery, Laura

Terry at world's largest covered bridge, Hartland, New Brunswick

Windsor, Ontario House Concert Audience

Laura in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Tour Shirt ( some of the shows!)

Terry performs at Edmonton CD Release

CD Release Crowd, July, 2020

More CD Release crowd, Our house concert, 2020

Terry ready to perform, Halifax

SpiritLine in Rosebud, Alberta

Combermere, Ontario. View from Madonna House

Laura performs with the Bombadils, Halifax. N.S.

House concert audience, Halifax, N.S.

Jazz mans the "Merch" table

SpiritLine at the airport heading to NF !

Laura at the concert venue, Rosebud, Alberta

SpiritLine Concert, Rosebud, Alberta

SpiritLine perform at Marla and Rob's House Concert, St. Albert, Alberta

SpiritLine Phone cover!

Merch, Fitch House Concert, Calgary, Alberta

Ready to play, Calgary, Lambert House Concert

Brand new Licence Plate!

Deb Parsons( and Ron) House Concert < NL

Rehearsal, Paula and Albert's, Edmonton, Alberta

Edmonton Concert, SpiritLine

Last stop on the Tour !

Final meal on the road !

Singing with my whole family, Windsor,Ontario

Laura sings her song about Africa with a children's choir, Ontario

Laura performs in St. Clair Beach, Ontario

Terry about to perform , Calgary, Alberta

Laura and her sisters, concert in St. Clair Beach, Ontario

Laura, National Music Center, C.D. Release, "Hope Is"

SpiritLine, Calgary, Ab

SpiritLine at The Carrot, Alberta

Laura about to perform for "Red's Room", L.A.(2021)

SpiritLine St. Greg's Concert

Terry performs, St. Greg's

Mary and Laura perform at a Windsor Hospital

Laura and Paula raise money for Cancer

Family performs at St. Greg's Concert

Terry sings at Windsor hospital

Laura performs in St. Albert

Laura sings at Kaleido Concert, Edmonton, Alberta

SpiritLine at La Jeunesse, Windsor, Ontario

Laura rehearses first music video with Director Darren Bachynski

SpiritLine at Blackbird Café, Edmonton, Alberta

SpiritLine at The Blackbird, Edmonton, Ab

Terry at Blackbird

Laura recording

Paula and Laura, Sherwood Park concert, Alberta

SpiritLine perform for Summer Picnic at St. John's , Edmonton, Ab.

That's Aroma concert with my parents and sister, Paula, Edmonton

That's Aroma, SpiritLine

Laura Recording Hope Is, Edmonton, Bitter North Studio

SpiritLine at the Carrot Café, Edmonton, Ab.

SpiritLine Band Summer Concert, Edmonton

SpiritLine band, CD Release, Edmonton, 2014

C.D. Release For Hope Is, 2014

Rehearsing for 2014 C.D. release

Blackbird concert

Fundraiser for Jim's mission

Arts Space concert

Sherwood Park Concert

Private family party concert ( Josey family)

Laura with guitar

Laura performs for Madonna House, Edmonton

London , Ontario, concert " Waiting"

My sisters recording "Hope Is"

Performing in London, Ontario

Tecumseh ( St. Anne's) concert

Laura and sister perform in Tecumseh, Ontario

Terry, Windsor concert

SpiritLine summer concert

SpiritLine performs at "The Works", Edmonton

Laura and Terry at Kaleido, Edmonton

Laura rehearsing

SpiritLine concert Sherwood Park, Ab

Fundraiser/Picnic for Spina Bifida

SpiritLine at Hope Mission, Edmonton

SpiritLine at Blackbird, Edmonton

Laura's original painting chosen for the Edmonton Festival of Trees! (2021)

Rob Heath and Laura Bachynski, Front Porch Concert, August,2021

SpiritLine at final Front Porch Concert of 2021

Front Porch Concert With "Jim And Jan", 2021

Terry and I at our first, summer Front Porch Concert of 2021

Rob Heath performs for our Front Porch Concert, 2021

Terry Front Porch Concert Rehearsal

SpiritLine with Rob Heath Front Porch Concert, August 2021

Our online concert out of L.A. for "Red's Room"

Jim and Jan Baker

Beth Portman at our Front Porch Concert

SpiritLine and Beth Portman

Elliot Thomas at our Front Porch Concert

Joe Nolan and SpiritLine

Anna Somerville and Marc Ladouceur perform for our July Front Porch Concert 2023

Front Porch Concert June SpiriLine portrait

FPC June Albert on Djembé

FPC June Laura Albert Paula

FPC June with SpiritLine (and Noah)

SpiritLine Front Porch Concert July 2023

SpiritLine with Anna Somerville and Marc Ladouceur

Laura at Christ Church sound check August 16, 2023

Christ Church crowd for SpiritLine

SpiritLine portrait Christ Church

SpiritLine Perform Christ Church 2023

SpritiLine August Front Porch Concert time

2023 Front Porch Concert poster

Tim Chesterton performs FPC August

Laura sings at August FPC

Terry and Tim for encore FPC August

August FPC audience

Albert and Paula August Front Porch Concert

SpiritLine backstage for last Front Porch Concert, August

"Storm Heaven" Albert records piano

"Storm Heaven" Laura recording

"Storm Heaven" recording day with Terry on bass and James Seabrook of Two Bodies of Water Studios

"Storm Heaven" Terry records bass.

Olivia Street at our June Front Porch Concert 2024

SpiritLine with Olivia Street.

SpiritLine with Tim Isberg and Marc Ladouceur at our July Front Porch Concert 2024

August Front Porch Concert with SpiritLine and Braden Gates. 2024

Front Porch Concert August 2024 with Braden Gates