Last Kona Road Trip For The Visit

We enjoyed breakfast out on our way to our last big road trip to the north of Kona as far as the road would take us.

Our breakfast sandwiches at Kai Eats were good and I thought the signs in the washroom were cute.

I pulled over to check out this park and was surprised to find out it was 600 years old. By the this point the wind was kicking up but the ocean views were amazing.

We passed through another historic artisan town but didn’t stop to check out the many galleries. We both remembered visiting there before. I liked the old smashed up truck we saw.

The day went from sunny and 86 degrees to 68 degrees with strong winds and rain. Woah! Finally we literally came to the end of the road. The highway had a dead end that overlooks the most incredible cliffs!

Once we managed to get the doors of our car to close we turned around and headed to the town of Waimea. We passed over a small mountain where the rain and wind continued to pelt us. But the views were stunning and we saw horses and sheep and cows all along the winding route across. Finally, we entered Waimea and the rains stopped but not the wind!

It was so windy that we ended up eating our picnic lunch in the car…ha ha. But we looked at the local antique store and the general store before we headed back in time for daily mass at St. Michael The Archangel church in Kona.

After mass and dinner we played our Tile Rummy game by the ocean and watched the gorgeous sunset again.

What a wonderful day.


Kona People Watching


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