The Bunny Park

Our daughter-in-law ‘J’ asked us to take our youngest grandson out for our last friday morning in town. We were happy to oblige.

Lucky for us the sun came out despite weather predictions of rain so it was the perfect opportunity to go to the “Bunny Park” otherwise known as Jericho Beach.

There are so many beautiful corners to look at there , so many birds and bunnies too. So we loaded him up in the van and drove over with a bag of carrots and lettuce to look for the rabbits.

“R” took his own time , slowly smelling the flowers and pointing out big trees and small sticks. Papa only had to crinkle the plastic on the carrot bag and the bunnies all ran out to him. They are obviously used to people feeding them!

“R” is just the sweetest little two year old. His little sentences and questions are so cute and he was just a joy all day.

We took him for some Timbits after our walk and we’re going to miss this little fellow so much.


Farewell To Vancouver


Great Visits With Friends In Vancouver