Great Visits With Friends In Vancouver

Forever friends. Most of us have them or have at least heard of them. You know, friends who’ve you’ve known and loved for years.

While we were in Vancouver I had the chance to drive out to New Westminster to see our dear friend, Anne, who was performing in a ‘Dino” play at the Massey theatre there. She did a great job in her play for children and we even brought 2 of our oldest grandsons to see the show….and they loved it!

I’ve known Anne since our old Theatre 80 days. We also performed in a duo called “Short and Tall Tales” where Anne would read one of her original (Tall tale) stories about dinosaurs and I would sing my original music to match the theme. We raised our children at the same time and we are still great friends today. And because I’m so tall ….and she’s so short…ha ha…we still call ourselves “Tall” and “Short” today.

Heather and I also met up in Calgary Theatre in the 80’s . She was the Artistic Director of “M & M For Kids” and I acted and performed for her and also ended up directing a show or two.

She has now moved to Kitsilano and if she wasn’t so busy with her new job as a nanny I would have hoped to have seen her every week if I could …like last year. But we did manage a nice visit for brunch and gabbing at Juliet’s Café and then dinner at her home during our last weekend in town. Lucky me!

And as you know, we also enjoyed our day trip to visit with Bev, with whom I used to teach at Calgary Academy. All three of my Calgary days friends live out west now!

Feeling blessed for these ‘forever friends’ and excited as I know I’m soon to visit with more of my ‘besties’ this upcoming May.


The Bunny Park


Speaking Of Cherry Blossoms