Farewell To Vancouver

It was a day of packing and final good-byes but the time had come for us to take our leave of our western families (and those beautiful flowers).

Our last day was quite cold and blustery so in a way it made it easier to think about leaving than if it was warm and sunny.

After we spent the morning packing we had no food left in the house so we decided to go to Kerrisdale to one of our favourite places for lunch.

The Secret Garden Tearoom has moved to a bigger, more modern location but still had all the charm and delicious food that we remembered.

Although we didn’t have the appetite for sweets after our wonderful lunches they sure looked great! I had a BLT on a cheese scone with salad. It was warm and wonderful. Loved the cute ‘children’s corner’ they had set up in one corner too.

We finished up with packing when we got back and then relaxed until it was time for our last dinner with our oldest son and family. We enjoyed a very tasty Indian take-out dinner (and dessert made by their second oldest son at his after school care program).

Playing cards and reading books followed and all in all we had a lovely last night in town.

Oh how I love our families and we’ll miss them so.

P.S. Happy 91st birthday to my daddy!


The Cracked Pot


The Bunny Park