
Afzaal Family.jpg

Today I am thinking about death.

I’m thinking about the senselessness of racism and of why people hate.

I am ‘dying’ to know why this beautiful family had to be slaughtered this way.

From Yahoo News:

Following the tragic death of of four members of a family from London, Ont., after a targeted attack on Sunday, with a nine-year-old still in hospital, a GoFundMe online fundraiser has been created totalling over $600,000 in donations.

Organized by a friend of the family Sana Yasir, the fundraiser shares some details about the family. Salman Afzaal, 46, was a physiotherapist with a "gentle and welcoming smile." His wife Madiha Salman, 44, was working towards finishing her PhD at Western University in civil engineering. Their 15-year-old daughter Yumna Salman was a Grade 9 student at Oakridge Secondary School and Yumna's 74-year-old grandmother is a described as "a pillar of their family that cherished their daily walks."

This incident just breaks my heart and I wish it was isolated and unusual and even unheard of in our world today.

I feel for the family and friends of this family and especially for the young son who is now without the rest of his immediate family. I am saddened the world has lost a doctor and and a woman who could have helped the world with her own PhD.

I am even saddened about the hate that caused a young man of only twenty years old to commit this heinous act of terrorism. And now his world is shattered too.

We need love. We need DIVINE love and we need it now . We need to counteract this hatred with love in our homes and in our hearts.

Isn’t the pandemic enough to deal with right now? Yet so many acts of terrorism, war, terrifying weather, and through it all…so much death.

Covid continues to take lives and sometimes it is just time for the body to shut down and go on to the next ‘journey’.Friends are going through this now and sometimes all we can do is pray.

When you can’t handle life alone, when you are filled with anxiety, fear, and yes, even hatred, it might be time to reach out to our God who loves us and whose heart also breaks for our tragedies. He experienced it all. He knows our hearts.

Let us die to self and pray for help.

God said that He is the vine and we are the branches.

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We are one. Let’s care for each other.




Be Gentle With Yourself


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