Be Gentle With Yourself

Isn’t it crazy that even in this time of Pandemic which for a lot of us has meant no jobs and certainly less travel and activities, that we can feel too busy and overwhelmed?

It seems like the whole country has decided that this is the perfect time to renovate and that is reflected in the price of wood!

At the end of each day I sometimes look back and realize I just didn’t stop. I went from one activity to the next and then the next and then the next …and by nightfall my body is sore and I am exhausted.

For example, the other day I painted for five straight hours. I normally can’t even sit for more than three hours in a row. Sheesh.

I know that I am not moving enough because I am so stiff and sore so I am trying to get out and walk when I can. Although this also hurts quite a bit there is something so calming about seeing all the Spring flowers.

So I thought I would send you a few pictures of the beauties I saw along my journey around the neighbourhood yesterday. (Above : Iris, Dianthus, a Rose, and one, lonely Tulip in the crowd of Anemones.)

There were so many lovely, almost neon varieties of yellow, purple and pink along my paths.

(Above: a yellow Rose, white and purple Iris’, a pretty water feature, Alliums, and yellow Lillies.)

Can you almost breathe in the scents?

Try and take some time for yourself today. Breathe. Walk. Perhaps avoid the news! Take a nap.

Be gentle with yourself. We need you.

take a nap.jpg

Barrhead beauty

