
A lot of good things happened today.

I haven’t been able to say that for awhile now. I’ve had to say ‘good-bye’ to a few friends who died recently. That’s always a tough one.

I know quite a few people who are ill or struggling in some way.

And sometimes just my own ‘darkness’ from worry can colour a day.

But today I found out that one of my sisters is going to receive the vaccine and I’ve been worried about her because of her low immunity . Good news and I’m thankful for it.

My daughter, Lana, called me today and said that her birthday gift arrived!

Crazy backstory here but I decided to use local artists to help me create an original gift for her birthday. One artist carved a cribbage board out of wild walnut and I had him engrave her animation club logo onto the front.

Another artisan makes original pegs for cribbage boards so I had her make swords and dragons as Lana plays Dungeons and Dragons with friends too.

And thirdly, I found a vintage tin of Star Wars cards to go with it all because Lana loves….Star Wars!

Well, the present never got to her. We think it was stolen or thrown out by someone who found it in the lobby and after months of trying to track it down with the ‘help’ of Canada Post Terry and I decided to just go ahead and remake the whole thing and try and find more Star Wars cards. ( we couldn’t find the vintage tin but we found suitable cards!)

This time we sent the parcel through UPS and …..she has it and loves it she says. YAY!

Today I found out that my mother-in-law is feeling better. She has been in the hospital with complications due to her colonoscopy. We have been SO worried and today I felt some relief.

And ANOTHER piece of good news arrived today.

Our nephew, Mitchell, just passed his final exam after much heartache and effort and he is now a newly licenced electrician. Great great news and we’re so proud of him.

Today, my dear friend, Cathy H., came over for a porch visit . We shared Easter stories as we sat apart and across from each other( and under our blankets on this chilly day) and it was SO good to see her again.

So : what do I want to remember about today?

I want to remember that slowly but surely our world is receiving the vaccine and we will be o.k. eventually.

I want to remember that I have dear friends , some I have the blessing of seeing when I can and some I hope to see again someday.

I want to remember that I am so blessed to have children to love and ‘spoil’ with presents although I don’t have their physical ‘presence’ at the moment.

I hope to remember that prayers were answered with regards to Joan and Mitch and that God cares to answer our cries out to Him.

Today, I am caught up in the gift of life. And I am so so thankful.


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My City.


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