T.O. Last Day : The Distillery

We checked out of our hotel but our flight out wasn’t until 7 pm so we had one more day to explore. From the bus tour we thought that the “Distillery” area would be fun to check out. Within minutes of our arriving the skies opened up with a refreshing rain so we popped into a few shops. By the time we got out of the first one the rain was done for the day!

The old distillery area was difficult walking for me as the streets were all paved with cobblestone type bricks. But it was so attractive with its antique stores, sculptures and fun places to dine. For lunch we went to the Cluny Café, a bakery where we enjoyed ham and brie sandwiches , coffees, and we split a chocolate croissant for a treat. A wee bird hoped we would split it 3 ways…ha ha.

We also explored a couple of galleries. It is a very ‘artsy’ area of Toronto and there were also outdoor sculptures everywhere. Before you know it , it was time to call our Uber and get back to the hotel. Little did we know that our ‘perfect’ timing did not necessarily coordinate with the Toronto Airport’s. We did get home….but at 3 am!

I’m so glad we had an opportunity to celebrate our 40 years of marriage. Still going strong and looking forward to the next 40!


July Front Porch Concert!


T.O. Day Two