T.O. Day Two

We walked by the building with the red door, (it used to be a prison!), the yellow scooter, and Mandevilla flowers on our way to “Flo’s” for another good breakfast.

Then, we decided to play the ultimate tourists and board a “Hop on/ hop off” bus to take a tour of downtown Toronto…which we have never done!

Terry tested out some ways to keep his forehead from getting (more) burnt and the ‘do rag’ won. We passed the gritty areas, the wire covered skies, great murals, and a blend of the old with the new in architecture.

I love the mix of styles and I especially liked the art school building…seemingly held up by giant coloured pencils.

We hopped off at the harbour for yet another water adventure….this one included in the price….a boat cruise!

We had more views of the skyline, saw tons of cormorant birds, and even a ‘pirate ship’.

Terry and I decided that time was tight after a nice lunch at the harbour. We took an Uber back to our hotel to get changed and ready for dinner and virtually just made it to our dinner reservation at “Blu’s” before our next theatre outing.

We had a delicious Italian meal (mine was ‘zuchini pasta’ which was actually strips of zuchini with black olives and it was SO good) and the management brought over a lovely surprise dessert for us too.

“And Juliet” at the Prince of Wales Theatre was the most fantastic musical and it is on its way to Broadway next!

The themes were ‘female empowerment’ and ‘love is love’ and the music was stitched together from very familiar ‘pop’ tunes ( like Brittany’s “Oops, I Did It Again”) that had the audience singing along and roaring their approval after each number. The cast was unbelievably talented and the writing was very fun . What happens when Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” gets a rewrite from his wife Anne Hathaway ? Juliet lives to love another day!

Very very fun and we highly recommend this.

To be continued….


T.O. Last Day : The Distillery


T.O. Day One