July Front Porch Concert!

The answer is….YES! Prayers answered. And you know, when we were done our set, I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving that we didn’t have to cancel the concert (as the weather reported that severe thundershowers would be in the area all day) and at that exact moment a large hawk (!) flew over our home. It felt kind of like a sign that prayers were indeed heard as we don’t actually have hawks in our neighbourhood.

SpiritLine opened up the show for about 35 people or so and I think our songs went pretty well. I sang “Learning to Trust” from my Waiting album and “Something I Don’t Own” from Hope Is.

Terry paid a tribute to our indigenous brothers and sisters with his a cappella song “Ketaskenow”. He also sang the new song he wrote for me for Mother’s Day, “Life Is A Joy With You”. Lovely.

Joe Nolan was next introduced. From his bio….

“By March 2020, Joe Nolan was a serious musical contender. He’d just returned to his hometown of Edmonton, Canada, after playing a bout of shows in Europe, the culmination of over 170 live dates that previous year, in part thanks to signing on with agent Mongrel Music Agency (Chuck Prophet, Lake Street Dive). He’d signed record deals with Rootsy Records in Sweden (John Prine, Patti Griffin, Anderson East) and Fallen Tree Records in Canada. He’d won trophies, including the Cobalt award for his songwriting at The Maple Blues Awards 2018/2020, as well as a nomination at the Breakout West Awards 2020.”

He brought out this little guitar and a fairly large pedal board and the sounds that man could get out of that thing!

He played a combination of bluesy originals and gritty life experience songs and he was ….amazing! Great voice. Great playing. Really nice guy too! ( And…our audience supported Joe to the tune of almost $600. in donations!)

Thanks to all who were able to come out and a special thanks to Terry and Paula and Albert for recording the event.


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T.O. Last Day : The Distillery