
Mum said she wanted to take a drive out to “Anna’s”, a lovely garden centre out in the county so Paula and I accompanied her so we could all also have a bit of a photography afternoon and lunch out.

We passed corn fields past their prime, bejewelled with lovely purple weeds. I wish we could have taken more photos of barns but without my ‘good’ camera it was impossible to ‘bring them up’ with only my phone.

Our mum was looking for some advice on keeping orchids healthy and so I walked around taking photos of the beautiful things I could see.

Love the vibrant colours. On the way home we passed a couple of barns and one had the ‘famous’ wood painted barn quilt which many have out in southwestern Ontario…each one a different design and colour.

And you never know who’ll you see when you arrive home…..


Painting With My Family


Together Again