Dreams Do Come True!
I cannot not clearly express to you how nervous I was for the first show.
I was excited, trusting that all would be well, but hoping that is would exceed expectations and it did! The shows improved with every performance and considering they only had a week to learn their lines and directions and blocking….that is saying something.
Some were ‘on book’ and I barely noticed. The acting and directing (and WRITING!) was just so darn good. And the music and musicians were incredible too.
Here are some scenes from the shows…..
About half the houses were filled with people we didn’t know so that was cool. But we also had an extraordinary amount of friends who drove down to see it. Terry’s best friends flew over from Ontario as did my sister, Pam, and her husband, Dave. Family was soon to fly over from Vancouver and our dear friend, Bev, flew over from Sidney. They were very lovely with their praises.
To be continued…..