The Caged Bird

I’ve been feeling a bit like a ‘caged bird’ these days. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love my home and am so grateful for it. 

But I am falling into a bit of ‘Covid Fatigue’ and I need a change of scenery.

So far our province still has allowed us to move around rather freely (unlike Ontario and B.C. which have strongly imposed stay close to home measures.) I am looking forward to going on another drive into the countryside soon. 

If I am a caged bird then I am the ‘caged bird that sings’ ( reminding me of the great Maya Angelou’s book.)

I have been enjoying the process of trying to memorize my own music. This has never been easy for me . I love to write the lyrics and chords but once they are committed to paper I forget them pretty quickly. I was even like this when I was an actress. I would get ‘the gist’ of the lines for the play I was in but memorizing the exact lines was a hardship. 

So I am here at home alone ( while Terry gets his almost daily golf session) and about to rehearse my own music again until I know every song perfectly.  This is one way I find my freedom.

Crazy thing is that even though we went on that huge Canadian Tour with the last album I have probably forgotten a lot of my songs from that album that I sang over and over again.  It’s not one of my gifts. Perhaps it’s from years of being a ‘church singer’ where we always had the music in front of us.

I sing to the walls. I sing of my brokenness . I sing of a heart that longs to be with family and dear friends. I sing of my faith that God hears and answers my prayers. I sing with a childlike trust that all will eventually be well. I sing for you.


Throwback Thursday


“Old Car” Off To Edson