Fleeting Colour But lots of “Skellies”
Back in Windsor, the trees were only just beginning to turn but we managed to find a couple of examples of those beautiful Ontario colours. I also loved the yellow and white pumpkins display I saw at my sister, Mary’s.
( When we arrived home ALL of the trees I waited all year to see, like our red maple in the front yard, had already lost their leaves and when we went to purchase our pumpkins for our front porch, Terry went to SEVEN stores and there wasn’t one to be found!)
So I’m glad I got to enjoy seeing all the beauty in Windsor while I had the chance and before the rains came in.
After a nice (but expensive!) lunch at The Twisted Apron, Terry and I also made a few stops at impressive Hallowe’en homes.
I especially liked the “Alien” skeleton near the hanging hands in the garage window and the “Unicorn” skelly which I’d never seen before. Pretty huge and well done set up off of Wyandotte road.
The giant skeleton (above) at the next house in Russel Woods might not have been ‘the world’s biggest’ but it was pretty dang big!
In Belle River we came upon this great, old truck with a boat hooked up to it. That wasn’t all that was ‘hooked up” to it! ( Thanks for the ideas, Mary)
Terry had to run into one of those big box Hallowe’en stores trying to find me a pumpkin and he was shocked to find out that just one of these life size characters can run up to $500.00. Wow! Some of these folks have really invested in their Hallowe’en set ups …if they didn’t make all the models themselves. (And even if they did! )
Now that we are home in Edmonton I notice there aren’t as many fun Hallowe’en set ups as these. But so far there isn’t snow either so I’m happy the children should have a pretty dry evening for their trick-or-treating experience.
I hope your mini chocolates taste wonderful ( let’s be honest, I know you’re sneaking them!) and that they stay away from your waists. Now THAT’S scary!
To be continued…..