The Vessel You Inhabit

I grew up as such a skinny girl that one of my nicknames was ‘Twiggy’.

At certain points in my life I was a dancer, an actress, and I just couldn’t keep the weight on.

I was so embarrassed by how thin I was that I used to wear layers of clothing covered with huge sweaters….and then tuck them into my jeans!

I was asked more than once if I suffered from Anorexia. ( no.)

When I ended up in a wheelchair (arthritis) and couldn’t move for years, the weight came on and stayed on.

Now I was mortified that I couldn’t LOSE the weight.

Scars from giving birth and many surgeries left me feeling bad about myself. It helped when Terry told me that my scars were my ‘badges of honour’.

And although I still struggle with personal body image, I came across this photo and thoughts below that resonate with me.

Thank-you, Donna Ashworth, for once again reminding me about the most important things about ‘the vessel I inhabit’.

The female body was never supposed to be smooth, firm and flawless. It was designed to create life, to host life, to feed life.

Yes there are many other amazing aspects to us all but underpinning our fight to retain a ‘figure’, is a whole network of genetics, science and an entire evolutionary process which wants to create, store and produce fat for protection and hormonal health. If you are losing a battle for slimness, do not for a moment think this is your fault. You are trying to blow away the wind.

Feed yourself well, physically, mentally and spiritually, and then enjoy your life with the vessel you inhabit. It’s a one shot only thing. Peace, laughter and acceptance are the best medicines around.

Author : Donna Ashworth


Happy 7th, ‘O’ !


The Biodiversity Museum