Off To Nordegg

Last year we had so much fun in Nordegg, Alberta, with Paula and Albert that we decided to book the same cabin for a week this year.

We started off the travel day with a delightful lunch at “Vi’s For Pies” before we journeyed out for the next few hours. We’re listening to a podcast called “Dead Eyes”, the story of an actor who was cast in the British T.V. show “Band of Brothers” only to find out that director Tom Hanks fired him because he said he had “dead eyes'“. It’s the actor Connor Ratliff who goes on a quest to find out everything about the whole situation which completely changed his life. It’s funny and also weird and a bit sad too.

Paula and Albert beat us there but the cabin was just as amazing as we all remembered. A beautiful “welcome” basket and wine awaited us and our host Stacey had even added grip bars in my bathroom this year. We all sat out on the huge deck and caught up as the sun went down.

We take turns making dinner and Paula treated us to homemade lasagna on our first night there. DElish!

We won’t go hungry as we all emptied our fridges for the week…ha ha….and we enjoyed our first breakfast after online mass with Fr. Rob Galea. (There are no Catholic Churches in Nordegg!)

We have 3 guitars and lots of games as well. We already got into “Password” on our first afternoon. Fun!

Although it’s been predicted to rain every day we have had incredible luck in finding beautiful views and not being caught in any squalls.

One day we decided to go for a drive to see what we could see and we passed the gorgeous Abraham Lake. We did a u-turn to check it out and we were SO glad we did. What a gorgeous place!

We loved hiking around a bit and also had a ‘hiking fail’ on the way home when we tried to find “White Goat Falls”. We did the hike but there was no indication of how far away the falls actually were and it seemed to go on forever without a sighting. We gave up…ha ha.

We drove back through some pretty heavy rain but it dissipated enough to walk back into the cabin without our coats.


To Be Continued…..

( The hike that didn’t happen…..and a ‘head for rock and roll’….ha ha)


Nordegg Con’t


Pool Ladies