Leicester Square

What a journey back to our starting point! Terry drove us all the way back to the airport where we had an easy time returning our rental. But then we needed to find the shuttle bus that would take us to the correct train to our hotel. We waited at least 45 minutes for our bus to arrive and then Terry got all three of our very heavy bags on the bus. What a guy!

We considered taking a cab to our hotel but there was apparently an accident on the highway and it was very expensive too so we opted for the train. The difficulty was …well…it was me. The whole tube station works on a series of stairs and escalators…not an elevator in sight.

When we finally figured out which train to take we jammed ourselves into the car and there were no more seats. I was trying to hold onto the pole and my rolling suitcase but with the first thrust of the train I lost my balance and cried out…”I’m falling!” Luckily, because the train was so packed, I fell into 3 strangers who caught me and a man jumped up and gave me his seat. Terry grabbed my wayward bag so now had all three! I was getting anxiety! How would I get up off of that low seat in time? How would I manage the escalator with my cane, my bag, and my weak knees?

When we made it to our stop, Leicester Square, there was a long escalator and Terry just grabbed all three bags somehow and started heading up! But I was still uncomfortable with the escalator and I quickly said a prayer for God to send me a guardian angel. Immediately, a woman asked me if I needed an arm and I said a resounding, ‘Yes!’. Talk about an answer to prayer! But then it was time to head up stairs and Terry could not carry all the bags. I prayed yet again, “I need another guardian angel right NOW”, and once again, this time a random man, asked me if he could carry my bag up to my husband. He made sure I saw that he dropped it with him, gave me a wink and a wave, and all I had to do was make it up one last set of stairs and I was out on the Square. Phew!

After a fairly good restful sleep that night we got up and went to a beautiful rooftop buffet …and view! Then it was off to explore a “Banksy” exhibit.

It was SO amazing ….and I had already seen one in Edmonton.

…..and we cracked up at all the smokers outside who stood right by the no smoking sign…ha ha.

We enjoyed a fabulous lunch at “Piccolino’s” and Terry posed outside the iconic “Ziggy Stardust” location. Then we took a cab to the Thames so we could enjoy a river cruise.

It was a short but lovely excursion with lots of interesting facts about our views shared by our captain.

That night we had tickets for “Mrs. Doubtfire” based on the award winning movie with Robin Williams.

I actually found it shocking how many staircases I had to endure before we made our way to our seats and then when we had to climb down to them without a railing. Terry helped me to maneuver them of course but when I finally plunked down into my seat….there was a huge shot of pain. My knees were rammed into the seats in front of us …SUCH a small amount of room that I couldn’t even turn sideways and lean towards Terry’s legs. Oh noooooo.

So I sucked it up for the first act somehow. (I was extremely worried about getting cramps.) I will say that the musical was excellent and funny and wonderfully acted. But I HAD to move. So at the break I told Terry there was no way I could sit there for the second half. Let’s just say I worked with ushers and even got up the nerve to ask a stranger to exchange seats with me (ours were excellent for sight lines) all to no avail. Finally, the lights came down, Terry was stuck in his seat alone, and I was out in the lobby with a t.v. screen that didn’t work as I was promised.

Finally, I got ahold of the head usher and she took care of me (only one more set of stairs…ha ha) by getting me a seat that pulls out of the wall for the ushers. I got to see the rest of the show….and it was GREAT!



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