Back At The Marian Centre!

My world is slowly righting itself.

Things that were gone for SO long like working out in a pool and painting at the Marian Centre have returned to my life and it feels so right.

The Marian Centre folks (like many people) decided that the Covid lockdowns were a good time to finally renovate the kitchens in which they cook the food to feed the homeless. So they locked their doors for years as this was happening and although they kept feeding folks in their courtyard out front we didn’t feel it was right to come in like we used to as the building is also their home.

But recently we started getting the nicest emails inviting us back and saying that it has been too long and we agreed!

So on the very first day of them inviting the marginalized back into their space we also returned with our paints and canvases to be near our dear friends once a week (if possible).

On our first day back we came upon an oil painting of one of the Madonna House members, our dear friend, Michael, painted by another resident, and beautiful artist named Amy.

Terry started a large painting of a pretty, red cardinal in some snowy trees, and I started painting on the largest canvas I’ve painted on in years! I am starting to paint an image I took of a pastoral scene in Edmonton.

The second week we continued to enjoy bringing our paintings to life. But the truly the best thing about painting at the Marian Centre again is the people. These folks are the most giving, kindest people you could ever hope to encounter and we’re blessed to have them as friends.

Peace, friends.

P.S. I thought it was neat that I got invited to be a part of a women’s only painting site on Instagram. ( Women_Power)


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