Back Into The Deep Freeze

Back to the deep freeze is right!

Today my phone warned me of EXTREME COLD and that turned out to be -27 without the wind chill. Brrrrr.

Glad I have my memories of Kona to keep me going and warm memories of our wonderful visit with our daughter, Emily and partner, Geoff, who just finished 2 weeks of an intense and fruitful and fun recording session for their new album.

I’m SO happy we got to hear all of the wonderful details about that time for them and it was fun to prepare a meal and cuddle with their dog, Dandelion too.

Speaking of preparing a meal for them….

It was sort of hilarious when we tried to put this thing together..ha ha.

Terry and I returned home from painting at the Marian Centre with (what I thought) was plenty of time to prepare the meal.

We both thought we had all the ingredients for my casserole and I had pre-cooked the chicken. But luckily I asked Terry to help me prepare the dinner.

Long story short, I started to sauté the onions and celery and when I realized I couldn’t find the chicken stock, Terry brought me a box from the pantry and it was past its expiry date and OPEN! So although we luckily had some homemade stock that was frozen ……but by this point I had now burnt the vegetables!

So we defrosted the stock, I sautéed more vegetables, and put together the rest of the casserole in preparation for the next step which was to make dumplings. Meanwhile, Terry was putting together a lovely caesar salad with the last of the lettuce and it was beautiful.

That’s when I exclaimed, “Oh no! We’re out of milk!” So: off to the store for Terry!

Anyway, I finally got the dinner made and it was fine that it was late…..because Emily and Geoff’s car didn’t charge properly and the cold killed it!

We finally got together, car jumped, house warm, and it was a wonderful night.

Warm hearts!

O.K. time to get ready to run errands outside!



Book Club Time


Red’s Room Again!