Book Club Time

I’ve been in book clubs for about 40 years! Crazy to think of that.

But that’s how much I love discussing books and reading them too of course!

We had a special book club the other night because the author of the book we chose was in attendance.

Our friend, Jackie, hosted us all and put on a lovely spread of some nibblies too.

Although we’ve recently lost 3 members due to general busyness and other things we are a small but hearty group!

We braved the snow and frigid temperatures to gather together and meet Nikki Vogel who wrote “Silencing Rebecca”.

What a great evening!

It’s always so interesting to me to find out a writer’s process and it was fun to hear about this and how she came to land on the theme of this book.

Nikki has a Jewish background and so does the main character of the book who moves from an orthodox Jewish community (fairly sheltered) in Toronto to Edmonton and now attends a public school. What a shock to her system and values!

She has many challenges, makes new friends, and strains the relationship between her and her father, the new Cantor at the Synagogue.

And there’s a magical element to this Young Adult book! As the main character struggles with who she is ,she starts turning into a ‘Golem’, a creature made of clay, quite scary looking and finds herself being lost within this creature.

I won’t give away any more than that but suffice it to say this local author got glowing reviews from us and we all just loved the night together.

P.S. our talented friend, Christie, always knits during meetings. She is making her husband a sweater out of ‘pine’ tweed wool.


Pysanky Time Again!


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