Red’s Room Again!

Once again Red Stainbrook invited “SpiritLine” to be a part of his weekend “Red’s Room” concert series.

I love his byline : “Praising God One Concert At A Time”.

Red is quite the guy! Very very giving and certainly not a wealthy man. But he ‘walks the talk’ as they say.

Every single weekend he puts on TWO free concerts via Facebook Zoom. Amazing!

He finds performers from all over the world to join him along with a host and sometimes a pastor/preacher to have a small inspirational prayer session during the show.

We set up our sound equipment in our own living room and perform from there! It’s a good way to keep our hand in what it’s like to perform live.

Well….the sound check went pretty well…….

We were quite astonished that the show started late and had all kinds of challenges.

First of all ‘Red’ himself had no internet at home so he found a Denny’s and set up camp there to produce the concert. Then the host, Joseph, had to pull off from the highway due to bad weather and the two of them did the show from the same Denny’s in L.A.!

Crazy! On top of that, Joseph, although a VERY personable and great host, didn’t keep the timing to our allotted 20 minutes per performer. We were supposed to be up at 9:40 (which for an old couple like us is late to begin with for a concert) but we didn’t get on until more than an hour later!!!!)

It was neat that the talent came from all over the world. The Australian family (10 children!), the preacher from Los Angeles, Mary from the Philippines, José from California, and of course us from Canada. So the Australians were in their afternoon and Mary was in the morning. The L.A. gang were an hour before us and the show went until about 11:45 pm for us!

I started off with 3 songs to be included on my upcoming album and Terry did 2 new songs… just written in Hawaii!

I think we did pretty well and was glad to be a part of this worthy cause.


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The Bubble