Merry Christmas, 2022!

It was been an adventure trying to get our family home and together with all the freak snowstorms, lost luggage, and cancelled flights.

But Christmas has come , most of our children are home, and our hearts are full.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

Thank-you for reading these crazy musings that I so enjoy writing.

I’ll leave you with these words from the book “Donkey Bells” that I received from our Marian Centre friends one year….

“ The world is a Bethlehem where all the inns have no room for the Christ Child.

The canyons of modern cities are caveless; the skyscrapers have locked entrances.

The music of the donkey’s hoofs that carried Mary to Bethlehem is lost in the swoosh of our endless traffic…..

Pause, and then hasten!

Make warm the caves of your souls so that the Holy Anointed One may be born in them.”

Stay safe, all, and God bless you.


Deep Freeze


The Art Of Cake