Deep Freeze

Sometimes it’s difficult to find those ‘warm fuzzy’ feelings when it’s freezing outside….-43 with the wind chill over here in good ole’ Edmonton.

But when our heaters work (I have TWO sisters who are experiencing a problem with that currently) it can be warm in the home.

The other day, my friend Cathy and I passed a man lying on his back on the icy road! . He was surrounded by paramedics, etc., and we prayed for the poor soul. Not good! I hope he’ll be o.k. . Hit by a car? Heart attack?

We also just discovered that we once AGAIN have a ceiling leak in our back room which was already supposedly fixed once with new insulation last year. Ugh.

But yes, we do have a warm home and a beautiful one in which to welcome our children home for Christmas.

So speaking of welcoming our children home for Christmas… the rest of the world…or at least the Canadian world, we were all hit with freak snow storms that cancelled hundreds of flights….including the ones our kids were supposed to be on. Lost luggage added to the stress but we did finally end up having our families home for the special celebration.

It was so cold when we picked up our son and his family at midnight the other night that they had to switch rental cars (AFTER installing all three car seats that we brought to them) because the back door wouldn’t latch. Oh man.

But : first world problems. We aren’t trying to stay warm in a tunnel in the Ukraine. We aren’t experiencing drought or monsoon weather or any other number of catastrophes. And we HAVE homes. God bless those on the streets.

It’s cold. But this Christmas let us find enough warmth in our hearts to say a kind word to those we love …and those we meet on the street.

May God bless you all with peace in your heart and homes. Stay warm. Always.


A VERY Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas, 2022!