Parting Shots…

The ‘big boys’ decided that they wanted to work out with Papa in the mornings…ha ha. Terry’s Covid inspired home gym is in our painting storage room and the guys had a great time trying out the gear with Papa spotting of course.

There were lots of artistic endeavours during the two weeks including pool play, day excursions, drawing , and making paper robots too.

One evening we had a yummy pasta night (catered by “Tasty Tomato”, our favourite) and all of our family in town were able to attend!

Our oldest son even flew out from Vancouver to try and get his family’s passports (no luck) because they are going on a big, family holiday to visit relatives in Europe (we think it will all come together by all accounts) so we had a nice little visit with him too! Em gave the boys “Bad Buddy” shirts (her band) and my sister,Paula and her husband, Albert, also treated the boys to some wonderful gifts. The food was delicious, something for everybody, and we had a wonderful evening chatting and enjoying each other’s company.

I loved to cuddle our wee one too and our one and a half year old is so bright! He can say a few words and has incredible comprehension. (If I asked him where ‘such and such’ was in the house…he always could point to it!)

Everyone is returning (or returned) home now and our home is once again quiet and clean. I miss them already.


A Quick Trip To Toronto


Prairie Garden Adventures