Prairie Garden Adventures

We had such a great day out in the sun at the Prairie Gardens farm.

It was a nice drive out, about 45 minutes from our home, and we had a good time playing car games on the way there.

I booked us a private tour at the start. A bit pricey but worth it. They told me about 90 school children would be there in the morning but if we arrived in the afternoon we would have the whole place to ourselves….and we DID!

“Rayanne” took us through and the boys started off with panning for gemstones. The boys found some lovely little stones and I had to chuckle when Terry tried 3 times to pan for gems ….until Rayanne let him off the hook and told him she GAVE them the containers to pour onto their panning screen…ha ha ha.

Every corner of the farm is gorgeous from their painted hay bales to their many floral displays.

Rayanne then took us over to the goats and bunnies area. Of course, this was a very big hit. The boys got to pet and feed the goats and even got to hold a bunny on their laps!

We next headed over to the plant area where the boys were allowed to choose a plant each and then were taught how to fill up the container with dirt and then watering care for their new plants. Soon we were taken over to a massive garden where Prairie Gardens grows all of their own produce like gourds, pumpkins, spices, tomatoes, and many other wonderful things.

Rayanne let us taste many different edible leaves and flowers. Fascinating!

ALLLL ABOARD!!!!!! It was time to hop onto the small train for a tour around the whole farm. After Rayanne said her good-byes and we had the rest of the afternoon to explore. There were silly things like painted signs in which you place your heads. There were many climbers, slides, and a fun ‘storybook’ place for exploring too.

But I think all of us just loved the ‘Tire Toss’ the best. Terry decided it would be a good idea to take a photo from the other side of the tire (which I LOVE) but unfortunately, when my first nerf ball toss went through ….it connected with … gemstones if you will…ha ha.

As you can see, the boys had a wonderful time. As the afternoon drew on they got tired of playing ‘alone’ so Papa stepped up and initiated several rounds of ‘maze tag’ and races inside a hay bale racetrack. Joy!

Finally, it was time to head to the Country Store so we could each choose something worth five dollars as a final treat. Terry and I chose lemonade and the little ones chose a wind up toy and ice cream. What a perfect day at Prairie Garden Adventures!


Parting Shots…


Looks Fade