A Quick Trip To Toronto

I feel too young (inside) to have been together with Terry for 40 years! ( And 4 dating too!) 44 years and we still totally enjoy each other’s company.

After our children threw us that amazing surprise party back in March and when we had to sing at a wedding and welcome some of our children home on our anniversary weekend we initially decided to forgo our own celebration.

But Terry eventually said it was ‘unacceptable’ and booked us flights to Toronto for a wee get away. On Sunday evening we were both ‘officially’ on holiday so we took ourselves down to Whyte Avenue to have a fun, summer dinner experience at Julio’s. We would fly out the next day. ( below : us at colourful “Julio’s”, Airport wall, leaving Edmonton view, and arriving in Toronto view. )

Terry spoiled us. We had a lovely hotel in the heart of town and a BIG surprise was waiting for me when I opened the door…..

For dinner we walked around the Corner and had a yummy Cob Salad at “Duke of York”.

I’m going to apologize right now : we took a lot of selfies.

I totally enjoyed my evening complete with 15 yellow roses, champagne, (sparkling water for him), and chocolate covered strawberries. Yup. Spoiled.

The next day, we left the cool looking lobby ,walked down the interesting streets, to the restaurant where we would eat breakfast for the next 3 days. It was close. The food was good. “Flo’s Diner”.

After that first morning in town, we decided to purchase tickets to go on our very first Tall Ship excursion in the Toronto harbour.

To be continued……


T.O. Day One


Parting Shots…