The Last of the Summer Concerts

For once there was no worry about rain for one of our Front Porch Concerts. The sun was shining and the weather was just perfect!

Tim Chesterton arrived right on time for sound check on the freshly put together porch ‘stage’ built by Terry.

SpiritLine (aka Laura and Terry Bachynski and Paula and Albert Felicitas) finished rehearsing ,had our own successful sound check, and then the neighbours and friends started to arrive.

SpiritLine opened up the show with 3 songs.

I sang “That’s How We’ll Win” from my last album “Words On A Page”, Terry sang his wonderful song, “The Streets of Silence”, and then the 4 of us sang our brand new co-written song.

When we were away together in Nordegg we came up with the song “We Glorify”. Terry wrote the words, Albert and Terry came up with the chords, I helped craft some lyrics, and all of us worked on harmonies. It was my favourite tune of our part of the show.

Then we welcomed Tim to the stage and he entertained the crowd with his beautiful, simple tunes …some originals/some covers….and was very well received.

One audience member shouted out that she wanted an encore and wished for Terry to play his “Co-op” song. So he and Tim did the last song while the audience and myself joined in on the chorus.

We invited one of our old friends who was in the audience and is a very talented musician to play a show next summer so we already have one of our slots filled!

It’s such a blast to do these free concerts.

I hope you can make it out one day!

A big thank-you to Paula and Albert for adding SO much to the show with their wonderful playing and voices.


Recording the Bass


Christ Church Concert