Igloo Dining

So how do you get people to come back to restaurants when Covid is still very much around?

Invite people to their own personal ‘igloo’ of course!

The other night Terry and I went to our first dinner dining experience in over a year. We found out that Tiramisu restaurant (one of our favourites) had installed heated dining igloos on the sidewalk that one could book online.

So, we thought we’d check it out . Tiramisu purchased three of the structures that feature a picnic table, padded chairs, and blankets. There was a lovely, fresh yellow rose on the table and it was quite comfortable for me that evening as long as I had the blanket on my lap and my coat over my shoulders.

It was still just above freezing outside that evening so it was amazing we were as warm as we were. Our server, Tia, made all the trips outside without even wearing a coat (and her arms were bare!)

I ordered our meal online so we didn’t even have to go into the restaurant more than necessary and whenever the meals from our four course dinner were served ,Tia unzipped the entrance to our igloo ( like a tent zipper) and she always wore a mask.

We were super happy with our yummy dinner and let me tell you , you won’t go away hungry! We split a delicious green salad with avocado and the warm brie on sourdough with pesto appies. Delicious!

We should have stopped after our Chicken Cordon Bleu dinner (which we also divided up into two meals) because we were so full after the appetizers. But it was also very tasty ….and we were happy to have food to take home.

Dessert made us too full ( We are just not used to eating that much anymore) but Terry loved his Cherry Cheese Cake and I devoured my Cheery tart.

The meal was not inexpensive but with all the money we have saved from not going to restaurants and movies for a year…no problem! ha ha.

Truly, it was a delightful experience and worth the money. I think these igloos will catch on because it is a great way to be fairly worry free from Covid as you dine together away from other patrons.


“on the road” : new painting!


This is my new website!