This is my new website!

I had an incredible gift given to me this past Christmas. My daughter, Lana, presented me with this brand new website design. Woo hooooooo!

It has taken many weeks to add the almost 300 paintings, catalogue them, include my albums, add other new pages , and design the site (with her help of course) and I am very excited to share it with you today!

I hope you like the sleek ,new look as much as I do!

This site is also ‘user friendly’ not only for myself as I add new paintings, etc., but also for you should you wish to purchase one.

Also, now you can easily comment on any blog without the hassle of needing to make an account first. Yay! I would LOVE to hear what you have to say about any of my daily postings.

So : have a look around and let me know what you think.

I am so happy to have been gifted such a thoughtful and useful (!) gift.

P.S. You might notice that the next more recent blog post was from back in December. Lana is migrating all the rest of the postings to this new site when she can. ( I have posted 100’s of blogs and this is part of her gift to me. Woah.)

Lana and her mom, Laura, working on the website.

Lana and her mom, Laura, working on the website.


Igloo Dining
