“on the road” : new painting!

I finally had a chance to return to my home studio and paint again! 

It felt so good to find the time to create a new painting for my “ Ways To Get There” series that I am working on. 

I can’t believe how busy a person can be when all of their usual activities have been taken away because of lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic. 

But, I am thrilled that my days are full and I am enjoying the new things I have found to occupy my time as well as more time for the old things I always did.

This painting was inspired from a photograph I took of a long line of Ford trucks that are right off of the highway when you head to Vancouver from Edmonton. 

I love painting images of old vehicles with their interesting shapes, colours, and peeling paint so I was immediately attracted to all of these ‘old boys’ lined up just off the highway. 

I found a large, fairly heavy wooden panel ‘canvas’ in my stock supplies and decided its shape leant itself perfectly to this string of trucks. I also tried to do a ‘looser’, more less realistic style and had a lot of fun with that.

So here are a few images from my painting ‘journey’. 

I look forward to the day I can finally have all of my ‘ways to get there’ paintings up for your perusal and sale someday.

Keep on truckin’ !


For the woman….


Igloo Dining