The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far

My mother once told me that she put a pencil in my hand when I was one years old and that’s when I started to draw. I certainly have enjoyed drawing…and painting ever since. The other day we were sent a photograph of our one year old, L, painting on an upright easel and I started thinking about the incredible art I’ve seen from all of our grandsons. All of them are way more advanced as artists than I was at their ages.

Above are a few of the more recent creations our grandson, Otto, has done. He has announced that he might become a toy maker someday and his mum says that he is creating some sort of new craft every single morning. The first image is his cat puppet followed by a note he made for his mum’s doctor. A ‘pizza slice’ is followed by a grocery list for his folks. Otto is now six.

Above are images from our grandsons, M and I. Like most little ones M is fascinated by dinosaurs. I know when I was his age I was drawing figures by forming circles for heads and sticks for legs. M is not only drawing incredible, fleshed out creatures but his made up storyboards are fascinating to me. I love his Easter egg story above in the sixth panel. M is now six. His little brother, I, is just really starting to get more interested in art and the two brothers spend a lot of time doing chalk or paint drawings on their long driveway.Ilya ‘upgraded’ his dino colouring to a more ferocious dino in the last frame. Iis now four years old.

M created the first happy images to welcome his soon to be born brother, R, into the world. ( Remi is seven months old now). The next three panels are a story M made up. Our daughter-in-law, Servane, said it best, “ A story about standing your ground.” ha ha. M is more into dancing these days. He is four years old.

It is very exciting to see how artistic our own children are and then their children (or nephews!) also having the creative genes too.

I guess the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree!


Adding Colour to Your Life


Garbage Can