Adding Colour to Your Life


We have had a few dark days.  We all know the countries and people we have to pray for and yes, that is ongoing, but I am also talking about dark, rainy days. 

Some folks are chemically brought low by the darkness and I know a few people who need to sit under special lamps to get the vitamin D they need to get through a long winter. 

Some people are just prone to ‘darkness’ and their depression is a daily struggle. 

I am one of the lucky ones. Dark, rainy days just make me feel like creating and adding colour to my day. When I put a paintbrush in my hand and start a new work hours can go by before I realise it. I just fall into a sort of Zen state and to paraphrase Thomas Merton... I lose myself and find myself at the same time. 

I saw a beautiful photo the Windsor photographer, Mark Hewer, posted one day and I was immediately attracted to the colours. I contacted him and asked if he would mind if I painted his image and he said it was totally fine with him.( As long as I show him the finished work!)

It is an image of the Windsor, Ontario shore line which looks across to Detroit at dusk. 

I love putting on one of my favourite CDs or listening to a new audio book while I paint too. I can easily pay attention to the words while I let the paintbrush dance across the canvas. 

Have you ever thought about trying something artistic? It doesn’t have to be a painting. It can be baking a pie, sewing, sculpting, drawing,gardening,sand art, crocheting,knitting, tie dye, candle making, pottery,jewelry making,stained glass, quilting, homemade cards,charcoal drawing, collages,decoupage,photography….to name but a few! 

Creativity can bring colour back into our lonely, sometimes dark world.

Why not give it a shot? The peace you will find is amazing. And you don’t have to be stressed about it. Creativity has no rules or boundaries. There are no mistakes. Just dig in and try something. The more you try the more you’ll find out what fills your soul and your day.

If you choose painting just start by throwing some colour on a canvas or paper. Swirl it around. Dab it. Mix the colours. Get your frustrations out or find the joy that comes with freedom of expression. Let the paint dance! 

This is one way to literally add colour to your life. 

Dance the darkness away! 

Happy Monday….


Life is Art.jpg

The Month of Mary


The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far