Garbage Can

Some days I wake up and I feel like garbage. 

Everything hurts and I’m not that old! ha ha

It takes me a while to get those first few steps going but it doesn’t take long for simple things to uplift me and help me forget about my body aches and pains. 

The Spring sunlight can cheer me and a Spring storm can make me feel excited about the possibilities of doing something creative.  ( For example,It’s very windy and rainy today and I’m hoping to get into the studio to paint.)

Then I get into the kitchen with my breakfast and open up the paper.  Garbage. SO much garbage thrown at our politicians who are just trying to help us maneuver this pandemic. Garbage spewed by people who hate or are unkind to others because of their opinions or actions.(There are many people who rub us the wrong way right now but we can still be kind.) 

After breakfast I might read a lovely email from a friend or receive great news like I did today about my mother-in-law who finally came home this morning after about two months in hospitals/rehab centres trying to heal from a mistake during a pretty routine procedure. I am filled with joy at this news of her homecoming. 

Perhaps it’s time for a walk and then I see the inevitable sight : garbage on the path (….discarded masks make an all too frequent appearance as I walk through these neighbourhoods as well as other stuff just dropped here or there.) Ugh.   

Then I start to notice the new buds on the trees and looking even farther up I breathe in the sight of the most giant, white, fluffy clouds you can imagine. Beautiful.

When evening comes and it’s time to settle down for the night I notice there is a lot of garbage on all of the television stations. It is so important to make good choices because what we see we can’t ‘unsee’ and like the old saying,”You are what you eat” I think we ‘eat’ a lot of garbage with some of the things we choose to watch. We must be careful. 

Yes, sometimes we feel like trash during this pandemic but let’s remember …”It’s called trash CAN not trash can’t.” ha ha.  I want to remember to look for the positive things in every day because there ARE so many good things to notice if we really look around.

May you always know how wonderful you are. God doesn’t make garbage.


The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far


The Hope of Spring