Hallowe’en Hijinx !

The poster our son, D, designed for their school Hallowe’en party!

We heard that the school had to cap the number of attendees because there were 600 people who registered to come to the party! D and J volunteered to host the thing and J swears there were so many people signed up because of that cute poster…ha ha.

D designed the costumes with very specific instructions from the older boys and J and D brought them to life. I couldn’t be more tickled by the Hallowe’en Door, the scary devil, and the rat from “Ratatouille”. J’s big boys are skeletons this year.

Our daughter in law, Ser, also volunteered to set up the haunted house section at her children’s school……

Looks like she’s gone all out and perhaps set the bar a little too high for next year!!!!

Cute pumpkins Darren’s children carved for the school contest.

Here are some photos from the school party…..

SO looking forward to hearing all the stories from these great events.

Well done all!!!!!

To be continued…….

P.S. Happy “ All Souls Day” !


A Hallowe’en Stagette


Hallowe’en Bridal Shower!