A VERY Merry Christmas!

It is GREAT to have our children and grandchildren home safely finally! Christmas Eve saw us pre-cooking our food for the next night. We’d never tried it before but what a wonderful difference it made for the peace of actual Christmas day. We’ll be doing that every year from now on, that’s for sure!

Terry and I led the music at Christmas Eve mass this year and if I say so myself, things went very well musically. I love the songs we chose and the atmosphere was so lovely with mostly candles for lighting and beautiful poinsettias everywhere. Fr. Dean did a wonderful homily too.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care….., the house awaited our guests, and Terry prepared our Christmas morning breakfast. It was delicious!

The children were happy and seemed to have a marvelous day with us. It wasn’t crazy. It wasn’t even loud. Everyone took their time opening the very thoughtful gifts and the love in the house was palpable.

We “Zoomed” with one of our Vancouver families and got to watch them open the package we mailed out too. There were hilarious gifts at our home, beautiful ones, and even “Dandelion” was calm and happy as could be.

We had our new bride and groom with us this year as well as Paula, Albert, Dominique, and our friends, Sebastien, Jazz, and our godchildren Noah and Harper. It was a wonderful meal with wonderful conversations.

Feeling blessed beyond measure. Last year we had Covid and that was the second year we were apart from our gang due to the dreaded pandemic. This year we were together and it felt SO good.

After dinner we announced that we had a surprise for our family.

Can you guess what it was?

To be continued……


The Surprise


Deep Freeze