Leaving our mark.

The marks we leave will never fade.

They can pierce a heart , make one afraid.

We might never know whose path we changed

By a careless word or a look exchanged.

The marks we leave can harm a life,

They can cut one down like a sharpened knife.

But there are marks we leave that do much good.

We can be a light for our neighbourhood.

Like a fingerprint we are all unique

And the marks we leave will forever speak

Of the love we shared ,of the life we led.

Touching many souls with a kindness spread.

Let us leave our mark on this broken world.

With a gentle touch and joy unfurled

We might never know for whom we brought much hope

How a life was changed or by how much scope.

So let us live with purpose, let us drive out dark.

For when our days are done we’ll have left our mark.

Let’s leave positive mark on the world.

Let’s leave positive mark on the world.


Thank you, Frontline workers


The Vaccine