The Vaccine

The Vaccines.jpg

I called my mum yesterday. She and my dad finally have had their first dose of the vaccine.

I’m starting to daydream .

I’m starting to remember a word I used to know : “HOPE”.

I’m trying not to get too anxious about a time when I can fly home into the arms of my mother and father, my children, my grandchildren, my friends.

But, gosh, I miss them so much.

I thank God that we live in a day and age where we can Face-time or Zoom or email and all the things that connect us virtually to each other.

I miss my old life. Terry and I used to go on a ‘Friday Night Date’ every single Friday since we met …so we’re talking over 40 years of movie dates. Oh, the smell of freshly popped popcorn when we entered the theatre. Terry used to make fun of me that no matter how big my (restaurant) dinner was every Friday, I always had room for popcorn.

Like you, I miss so many things from ‘the before times’ and we might never get them back. I know that once we can fly safely again I’ll always wear a mask. I’m so thankful that I’ve been able to see as much of the world as I’ve seen from all the wonderful trips we’ve been blessed to take. And as blessed as we have been to visit other parts of the world, nothing is as important to me than the blessing of those yearly trips to visit family on both sides of Canada.

Will we actually ever shake hands again? Not likely. But hugs? Oh yes. Forever.

So please get vaccinated. The sooner we all get protected the sooner we can be near to each other again. Are you afraid?

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Leaving our mark.


Old Barn and Granary Commissioned Paintings