Cotswolds Adventures

On October 22nd we looked up the mass times for Sacred Heart Catholic church in Cheltenham and were very surprised to see everyone leaving as we pulled up. The website was wrong! We so obviously stood out as ‘they aren’t from around here’ as well as late but the dear visiting priest Fr. Pat O’Keeffe came up to us and asked what was going on. Before we knew it he took us up to the altar and gave us the most beautiful blessing and then he gave us communion too! Wow. It brought me to tears. We sat in the church and prayed our rosary together and then off we went to find breakfast.

We did find the most wonderful and delicious one at this wee pancake house. I had a ‘french toast flavoured waffle and egg’ with maple syrup and fresh fruit. It sounds gross but it was DE-liscious! We then set out to check out our second castle of the trip…”Sudeley”.

The skies were blue with puffy, white clouds as we approached the beautiful Sudeley Castle.

We were advised to check out the excavation project where a team of workers were doing digs to locate the original gardens of the castle. Along the way we saw lots of sheep and some of the statues that were part of the sculpture gardens at Sudeley. Meanwhile, we had a wee free tour of the castle gardens…..



Sudeley Castle


The Old Dairy