Lessons From The Ukraine
I wake up this morning to the sound of birds chirping and a single ray of sunshine caresses my face.
I slide out of my cozy covers and pad over to the bathroom to do my morning ablutions with the steamy, hot water before I move to the bright kitchen to put on the aromatic coffee.
On the other side of the world a family survives bombings by living underground. Another family has had to leave their homeland while narrowly missing being hit by gunfire, while yet another family was not so lucky.
The beautiful cities of the Ukraine are being attacked by a madman and it is so far away that we can forget just how blessed we are to shovel snow or pay high prices for gas that fuels our cars or ….dare I say it?…. even ‘just’ survive a pandemic while we stay in our warm homes and eat 3 meals a day!
Let’s remember to be grateful today.
Let’s remember to pray. Pray for peace. Pray for the Ukraine. And let’s pray to thank God for our many blessings.