August Front Porch Concert, 2022.

Well, we were blessed with the BEST weather for our last concert of the season.

Not too hot, not too cold, NO rain (!), and no bugs!

God bless Terry for setting up the whole show without my help because my right knee is taking some time to heal and I was limping all over the place.

At about 6:30 the crowd started to trickle in and by 7 pm we had a lovely group of people for whom we could perform.

Elliot Thomas is such a nice, young man who is about our children’s age and he was very excited to play an outdoor concert of this type. He said it’s so much nicer than the bars because people actually come to listen!

During sound check I asked our brother-in-law ,Albert to play my djembé and he was so good at it that I asked him if he’d be willing to play with me on stage. He said, “Yes!” -so I had the pleasure of having percussion, Terry’s bass playing, and sister Paula’s pretty harmonies to assist me in singing my two original songs, “Waiting” and “I Want To Believe” . Loved it.

Terry sang a wonderful, new song that he woke up with one morning recently. Words. Chords. All there. It reminds me of an Irish song and it’s about “Laura Loo and her eyes of blue”. (How could it not be perfect? ha ha ha)

His other song was one he decided to cut from his new musical but it is the most beautiful piece about living life to the fullest. Sigh. I played the djembé for him and did some harmonies.

Elliot’s music reminds me of Appalachian Folk . He plays wonderful guitar and for the second half of the show he played and sang to his own slide guitar playing. Very fun.

We joked at one point that his music was so ‘hot’ that the firetruck showed up (check out that first photo below)

I was very honoured at the number of guests who came out to listen, especially when some of my ‘new’ pool friends came as well. Wow!

Elliot made over $400. in donations and more in C.D. sales so we’re very happy for him.

After Albert and Terry dismantled the porch stage for another season , I invited them and Paula into the house for a pasta dinner ( I made the sauce earlier in the day from tomatoes from our garden) and it was a great way to decompress after the show.

I’m really happy that we’ve been able to do these shows for the past 3 seasons. We’ll keep going as long as we can and as long as people show up!

Peace, friends.

P.S. It was hilarious when Paula showed up wearing the same colours and similar patterns to me ….without us talking at all before hand. Sisters!




Beach Day