
Can you point to the moment when you started to change?

Was it the time you were disappointed in someone close to you?

Did you change when you decided that you needed a kinder group of friends ?

Did change occur when you got upset at something in the world and you decided to help?

Or perhaps you changed because you just got older.

They say that wisdom comes with age.

I remember when I started to change….in high school!

I remember being one of those ‘angsty’ teenagers who thought everyone was fake and I was quite angry for a time. I didn’t like to be hugged and I was good at scowling. Yup. Me.

My change for the better happened when I found a group of friends who were kind , real, and taught me how to get closer to God.

Rosemary, this gorgeous girl, senior to me by a year, invited me to join her youth group. I remember actually looking behind me as I thought, “She can’t be talking to me…”

Joining that “Youth Corps” group, making a “Cor” weekend, and making these new friends turned my ‘frown upside down’ and most of the friends from that time are STILL my best friends.

The change in me actually changed my family too. My siblings and even my parents eventually got involved with that Cor Retreat weekend and we are all closer for it.

Change can be good!

The popular saying, “Change is as good as a rest” has certainly rung true for me many times too.

And I am a BIG resister of change. Although we moved homes about 9 times I had a tough time every time.

Terry says that he is like a ‘duck’s back’ ….everything just rolls off of him….and I am like a ‘sponge’ ….I just soak it all in.

But eventually I always look back and see that change has been very very good. So many lessons learned from it and so many chances to improve myself.

When life changed and I ended up in a wheelchair for years I was very sad for awhile.

But every tough physical thing that I’ve been through has taught me so much and I can honestly say to you that I don’t regret where or who I am today. We don’t need someone else to change our life.

We all get older but we might not all get wiser. Look back today and see where changes that have occurred in your life have actually been great life lessons.

We’re on a journey in this life and it’s time to open our eyes and appreciate what change has taught us.

‘To everything there is a season’ . Let’s look for the positives amidst the negatives, shall we?


To The Moon!


August Front Porch Concert, 2022.