Beach Day

Well, it took me to the end of August but I finally found myself freed up to head to the beach with my sister, Paula.

In the depths of Winter I dream about the beach.

I grew up near the beach ( St. Clair Beach) and it is definitely my ‘happy place’.

So when I had a day off from recording I booked an afternoon at one of our rare, nearby beaches. We have plenty of pools here but most of our lake areas are a few hours away.

Paula and I packed our lunches and she picked me up and we headed out to Hubble Lake.

I’m still cautious about crowds due to a resurgence of Covid (ugh) but perhaps because it was mid-week and the fact that you have to pay to use this private beach it was not crowded at all!

The weather was very warm but our umbrella set up kept us nice and cool for the afternoon. Getting into the water is just the best feeling when you are really hot. At first the lake water feels cold but within seconds your body adjusts and it feels amazing. We brought our ‘noodles’ so we could float as long as we wanted.

It is so much fun to people watch and chat that we didn’t even read our books.

I love the family below with the matching bathing suits!

Most of the other people on the beach were campers on the property. Paula noticed that there weren’t too many people with wrist bands like us and you don’t have to pay if you’re already camping there.

What is your ‘happy place’?


August Front Porch Concert, 2022.


The Big Cover Up