Ashes to Ashes
It’s so easy to feel broken these days.
Fear. Worry.
Anger at the state of the world yet not knowing how to fix it.
Let’s start with ourselves.
Which window are you? The dark one? The clear one? The broken/cracked one?
Today is Ash Wednesday and we are reminded that we come from dust and to dust we will return someday.
I personally find that staying closer to God in my daily life helps me maneuver the obstacles that come my way. Why? Because I give all those worries to Him! I am definitely a worrier but knowing I am not alone is a massive relief. No human can give me the peace that God can…..not my spouse, best friends, family, or even priest. Don’t get me wrong….I LOVE that these beautiful people in my life are there for me always but it is my faith in God that tells me He will overcome in the end. He and his beloved Mother will strike down the serpent and there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth. Some days it feels like it can’t come soon enough.
My recommendation? Pull the alarm but make sure it’s the direct prayer line to Jesus. He is waiting for you. He created you. He knows your heart and he knows you are scared. All you have to do ….is ask.
Remember you are not broken….you are a DISCO BALL! So shine your light no matter what this Lenten season and get ready for Easter because it is coming soon!