Warm Day and Frozen Evening

When we arrived back in Edmonton from Kona it was -31 degrees out. Brrrrrrr.

But yesterday it was plus 10 and everything is melting. Our cars are SO dirty from slushy splashes but a hearty soul doesn’t even need a coat!

Paula and I decided to take a road trip out to Camrose to do some shopping. Woo hoo!

I didn’t need anything but I was hoping for a pair of tights from a store we love out there called ‘Rejime’. The ones I purchased there before are my most comfortable ones.

Sure enough they still had the brand and I was able to snag a turquoise pair in my size. Yay!

Paula found a few bargains too. It’s funny how you can know someone SO well ( especially a sister), talk almost every day, yet are able to spend hours together chatting in the car and have all new stories to relate to each other…ha ha.

That evening, back in town, Terry and I went to see the musical, “Frozen” at the Citadel theatre. The place was packed. I got SUCH a kick of how many children arrived in costume. It was uber cute.

I’d seen the cartoon of Frozen but the musical had a slightly different story and a couple of new songs. I have to tell you….. I loved it!

Everything about it was top notch from the performers to the costumes, stage, staging….etc.

Omigosh, it was also hilarious.

But the cutest part of the whole evening for me was all the wee ones in those costumes.

The cheers when they saw their favourite characters, the giggles when the reindeer or Olaf or Elsa or Ana appeared were so uplifting. It’s the best time I’ve felt being near Frozen in a long time…ha ha.


Ashes to Ashes


Northern Lights Folk Club