The Bubble

We all know that children love to blow bubbles in the summer. They love to play with bubbles in the bubble bath too. They put them on their faces and they suddenly have a bubbly beard. A foamy hat.

I saw a photo once of a bubble on the snow. It had instantly crystalized and looked like a perfectly round snowflake.

When I arrived home from Hawaii I got out the bubble mixture we save for our grandsons and took it outside to try and replicate the photo in -3 weather.

Nada. It was still too warm outside.

I tried again at -10 and again at -15 but still nothing. The bubbles just burst and then a wind came up and blew them away before they had a chance to land.

Today I went outside in our -26 weather and tried one last time. (It’s TOO COLD to stand outside without mittens to blow the bubbles and then quickly try and take the shot from my phone.)

I finally got one, tiny bubble to land. The sun shone through it and although it didn’t have the pretty snowflake patterns upon it ,it kind of reminded me of a marble or the Earth.

Like the Earth, it is so so fragile and it seems to be going downhill.

And like the Earth, it is beautiful. We need to protect it if we want it to last. I shouldn’t act like I’m in ‘a bubble’ and unaware of the things that need tending to around me.

Our planet might be a tiny marble-like sphere spinning in darkness and feeling like it’s all alone out there. But when you draw closer you can see that our world is amazing, astounding, INCREDIBLE……and Someone breathed it into being.

It’s our home and ….we’re all in this place together.

Don’t burst my bubble…ha ha…. let’s take care of each other.


Red’s Room Again!


Finding Fun At Home