5 Lakes and Pyramid

After a good night’s sleep in our beautiful cabin and a nice breakfast we headed out to explore Jasper again.

We saw a fair amount of shaggy elk and a massive eagle in a treetop nest but my photo was blurry. We stopped at a few places we’ve never been before. Terry can be seen at Maligne Look-Out above. Every view was so gorgeous and the leaves on the trees that perfect light green of Spring.

We had never tried the hike at Valley of the Five Lakes so we parked the car and ambled up.

Although I had my walking sticks I found the climb rather arduous. Luckily, we kept the place slow so I could just take my time but unfortunately the last leg of the trek to see the Five Lakes had two problems for me. First off the last downhill climb was not possible for me with my knees because it was so steep . Terry went on to see what he could see but if he wanted to see the Five Lakes he would have to head either East or West for another several kilometers. SO….not gonna happen. He took that last photo of the stream that connects the lakes and I took a selfie while I was waiting for him to return.

After a bathroom break and grabbing a nice hot drink we headed up to Pyramid Mountain area near Patricia Lake. In the 21 years or so that we’ve come up to Jasper we had never been to Pyramid Lake Island before!

It was extremely windy( as you can see from my HUGE hair) and quite cool but what a beautiful place! We both want to come back in the summer one day and enjoy a picnic there. The views are incredible and lots of picnic table and benches everywhere too.

Last night we had a delicious vegetarian chili meal with homemade cornbread for dinner.

This has been a perfect getaway for a change of pace and a change of view.

We both mentioned how extremely blessed we are to be able to drive to Jasper in only a few hours. And now time to head home……


Reflections on Heading home


Sunwapta Falls