Sunwapta Falls

Yesterday, as you know,(especially if you live in Edmonton),it started off with snow. The trees were bowed low and there was about 3 inches on the ground.

I cooked up a yummy cheesy, egg breakfast with homemade sourdough toast(made by our daughter, Emily),pineapple, tomatoes(for Terry) and good coffee and tea too.

We had a lovely, slow start to the day and I thought we would paint but by the time we looked out again the snow was all melted so we decided to take advantage of the day and explore!

We chose Sunwapta Falls as our destination as we had never been there before.

I made it about 3/4’s of the way around the 2 kilometer hike to the lower falls but my knees just couldn’t take it anymore.

Terry had to give me quite a bit of help to get back up the root covered, steep path,and I just wish there was a hot tub waiting for us at the end of the trail…ha ha.

I took a bit of a break to talk to a gigantic raven and then we were off again to explore the upper falls.

The Sunwapta falls were just roaring and churning and thrilling to behold. Terry climbed right down close but I didn’t have the legs to get that far down. But I love the beauty of waterfalls and I am so glad we had the chance to see them today.

When we returned back to our cabin we saw two elk on the front lawn.

We enjoyed our evening meal of Chicken and Dumplings and birthday cake while we listened to ‘singer/songwriter’, easy listening tunes on our Bose. Another dancing fire in the large,stone fireplace and reading time. What a great day.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?


5 Lakes and Pyramid


Jasper Getaway